Precautions after photorejuvenation

Photorejuvenation has been doubly popular, fast, multi-functional, non-invasive, painless. However, the short retention period, the effect is not significant, also makes it for many people criticized, in fact, the cause of these reasons is often because you do not pay attention to these points in the postoperative period!

Lack of attention to hydration

Photorejuvenation is a medical cosmetic treatment that utilizes intense pulsed photons to produce a photochemical effect that improves the skin. It uses a specific broad-spectrum colored light, which directly irradiates the skin surface and penetrate into the deep layer of the skin, causing changes in the molecular structure of collagen fibers and elastic fibers in the dermis.

In addition, photorejuvenation makes use of the principle of photothermolysis when achieving the effects of removing spots and acne marks, which means that the pigmentation deposits are at a higher temperature than the surrounding skin after absorbing the light, and the difference in their temperatures is utilized to make the pigments break up and decompose, eliminating the pigmentation deposits.

As the skin is strongly stimulated, the skin metabolism accelerates, the local temperature of the skin rises, the protective function of the sebaceous membrane is weakened…and other reasons will lead to dehydration and dryness of the skin. Therefore, after the treatment must be a lot of water to soothe and calm the skin. Otherwise, not only can not achieve the desired effect of skin beauty, but will make the skin become dry and sensitive.

Lack of attention to sun protection

Photorejuvenation treatment, although the skin is generally no obvious external damage, but the skin’s stratum corneum, sebaceous membrane and other tissues will be photons to a certain degree of damage, thus affecting the skin’s own barrier, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and sunscreen function.(however, don’t worry too much when you hear”damage” that the skin’s self-repair mechanism is promoted, thus becoming firm and tender.)

Therefore, the skin’s self-defense ability will be weakened for a period of time after photoreuvenation treatment. If the skin is not scientifically protected from the sun at this time, the damage of ultraviolet rays to the skin will be greater, invariably increasing the melanin cells in the skin, which will lead to the undesirable symptom of anti-blackness or discoloration.

Post time: Aug-28-2023