Intense Pulsed Light VS laser, what is the difference? You will understand after reading this article!


What is a laser?

The English equivalent of laser is LASER, which means: light released by stimulated radiation, which fully illustrates the essence of laser.

In layman’s terms, laser is a kind of light that acts accurately and has very low diffusion when radiating.

For example, when treating freckles, the laser only targets melanin in the dermis and does not affect water molecules, hemoglobin or capillaries in the skin.


What is Intense Pulsed Light?

The photon skin rejuvenation, photon hair removal, and E-ray we often talk about are all strong pulsed light. The English name for intense pulsed light is Intense Pulsed Light, and its abbreviation is IPL, so many doctors directly call intense pulsed light IPL.

Unlike lasers, strong pulsed light is characterized by a wide range of action and large diffusion during radiation.

For example, when treating red blood filaments (telangiectasia), it can also simultaneously improve problems such as dull skin color and enlarged pores. This is because in addition to capillaries, intense pulsed light also targets melanin and collagen in dermal tissue. The protein works.


The Difference Between Laser and Intense Pulsed Light

Intense pulsed light is completely different from laser. The main reason is that laser is monochromatic light with a fixed wavelength, while intense pulsed light has a wavelength between 420-1200, has a wide spectrum and is easy to adjust.

Secondly, unlike lasers which are fixed and non-adjustable, the pulse width of intense pulsed light is generally continuously adjustable.

Finally, strong pulsed light can select 1-3 pulses each time, and the spot is larger, while lasers usually only have a single pulse and the spot is small.

The respective advantages of laser and intense pulsed light

Intense pulsed light and laser each have their own advantages in the treatment process. The advantages of intense pulsed light are mainly reflected in the following points:

  (1) Unlike a single type of laser that can treat relatively single symptoms, the adjustability of the wavelength of intense pulsed light determines that intense pulsed light can treat a variety of skin problems.

Such as freckle removal, red blood filament removal, hair removal, skin rejuvenation, etc. Therefore, the use of intense pulsed light technology and technology derived from intense pulsed light can effectively deal with a variety of skin problems, without having to choose multiple lasers like lasers. Comprehensive repair of skin health.

  (2) The wide spectrum can not only improve the main causes of skin problems, but also solve the secondary factors that cause skin problems. It can also improve the symptoms of skin aging and has the ability to solve multiple factors of skin problems.


Laser and intense pulsed light are indispensable to each other

  Under normal circumstances, intense pulsed light can be used to treat various skin problems. However, since intense pulsed light uses light of a certain wavelength for treatment, sometimes the treatment is incomplete. At this time, it is necessary to Targeted treatment with the help of laser.

Post time: Jan-08-2024