Cryolipolysis——The way to lose weight while lying down

The principle of cryolipolysis is actually to use the triglyceride in human body fat to be converted into a solid at a low temperature of 5°C, and the freezing energy precisely controlled by a non-invasive freezing energy extraction device is delivered to the designated fat-melting site, targeted Eliminate the fat cells at the designated part in a timely manner. After the fat cells at the designated part are cooled to a specific low temperature, the triglycerides will be transformed from liquid to solid, crystallized and aged, and will die one after another. They will be excreted through metabolism, and the fat in the body will gradually decrease. Fat-melting body sculpting effect.

During the treatment process, the cryo-fat dissolving instrument should first define the range of fat-melting, then stick the cryo-fat dissolving device on the skin surface, and cool the subcutaneous tissue to 5°C. After one hour, the fat tissue will be destroyed, and the fat cells will be destroyed. The main component, triglyceride, will age prematurely, and the fat cells will die one after another. After two or three months, the necrotic fat cells will be excreted through the natural metabolic process. As long as you maintain a normal diet and exercise, your body can maintain a stable condition for a long time.

Compared with other liposuction projects, the biggest feature of cryolipolysis equipment is that it is non-invasive, does not require surgery, has no wounds, and will not cause damage to the skin and blood vessels. It only uses the physical characteristics of fat cells, the treatment process is simple, and the safety is very high. Even the CCTV report(China’s official news channel) said: Artistic sculpture is better than liposuction. 

Post time: Jul-08-2023